Mike Abrashoff

Founder, Aegis Performance Group

Before commanding the USS Benfold, Mike served as the Military Assistant to Secretary of Defense William J. Perry. He also helped draft the air defense plan for naval forces in the Persian Gulf in 1990, coinciding with Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait; and served as the executive officer of the Cruiser Shiloh, where he deployed to the Persian Gulf in support of United Nations sanctions against Iraq.

He is the founder of Aegis Performance Group, a consulting firm that works with and supports leaders as they address leadership, talent, and performance challenges within their organizations.

Mike and his team prompt leaders at all levels to re-imagine their leadership thinking and create new ways to elevate individual, team, and organizational performance.

Mike's sessions

Don’t Let Top-Down Leadership Sink Your Ship

Apr 23, 8:45 AM to 10:00 AM - Palms ABCD Ballroom   Keynote

Presented by
Mike Abrashoff, Aegis Performance Group