Thank you for attending the SafeStart Forum!

We were overwhelmed by the positive energy in the rooms and the multitude of in-depth conversations, great comments, and insightful questions that filled the venue. The energy was electric and we're still buzzing!

The SafeStart Forum was designed to be an interactive gathering of like-minded individuals to talk about human factors in safety. It had the perfect number of people on site to network in a venue that lends itself to curated learning.

Left to right: Jennifer McNelly, ASSP; Barb Tait, SafeStart; Lorraine Martin, NSC; Heidi Hill, VPPPA

The most common question heard was: where can I get copies of the presentations I saw at the conference? Most of the presentations are available under the downloads tab. But if you're looking for a specific presentation that's not provided here, let us know and we'll see if we can get a copy for you!

We hope that this event was as impactful as some of the survey responses suggest and that it helps improve your organization’s health and safety. We are still blown away by the quality of engaged and informed participants we had in attendance and we hope you made some lasting connections.

Want to know more about upcoming events and SafeStart speaker engagements? Don’t hesitate to contact us, we're always here to answer any questions you may have.

We hope to see you again soon!